


トータルカーライフサポートで、お客様の安心と信頼を  整備業界を取り巻く環境が、少子高齢化・若者の車離れ等により大きく変化する中、一部の特殊専門店等を除いて業種店から業態店へと変わる時代、業態間の競争がますます激化し大きく変化しております。
  • お客様の用途に合わせた専用機器やオプションを選択・追加して創り上げるカスタマイズシステムです。
  • 車検機の測定データをリアルタイムに読み取り、保安基準に基づく合否判定を行います。その結果を指定記録簿に瞬時にプリントアウトでき、また、ショップ独自の社内基準を設定し、予防整備のアプローチも行えます。
  • お客様には待合室に設置したモニター(オプション)に検査データを表示し、確認して頂けます。
Building Customer Trust and Confidence through Total Support for Automotive Living The vehicle maintenance industry has been hard-hit in Japan by recent trends such as the low birthrate and aging demographic profile and the loss of interest in driving among young people. With the exception of a few boutique service outlets, vehicle maintenance shops are increasingly shifting their focus from business types to business formats, as the competition among business formats intensifies steadily.
XXX Limited is pleased to distribute this Selection Guide. The Selection Guide describes the latest and most vital auto service equipment available from XXX, selected from our complete catalog of thousands of items.
Through this wide array of devices and systems, XXX creates safe, reliable and comfortable driving environments to suit the needs of each individual customer and era. We recommend that you keep this Selection Guide near to hand and make extensive use of it.
  • This customized system enables users to select and add dedicated devices and options in accordance with customer applications.
  • Measurement data are read from vehicle inspection equipment in real time to perform pass/fail judgments based on public-safety criteria. The results are instantly printed out in the designated ledgers. Each shop can specify its own internal criteria, taking a preventive-maintenance approach.
  • Monitors (optional) installed in the customer waiting room display the test data for customer confirmation.